Zion Baptist Church History

2024 - 1854 (170 years)


In the rolling foothills of North Carolina, in the county of Burke, our church became official on June 3rd, 1854 at Castle School. Our church history suggests that the name for our church perhaps comes from Hebrews 12:22 "But ye are come unto Mount Sion. And unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels". Prior to this time the early members had met at the Upper Creek Schoolhouse according to Smyrna Baptist Church documentation from October of 1851. Our church history also speaks to the likelihood that the membership met at Castle School, which is located in the Idlewild Farm area on the near-by Henderson Mill Road. In 1861 the construction of a log church was begun on Pea Ridge Road and located in the present cemetery area. Tradition also proposes that services were held in a brush arbor prior to the time of the church's completion, presumably near the site of the log church. In 1898 construction was begun on a frame church with it being completed in 1901.

Tragedy Strikes

March 2, 1956, the frame building was completely destroyed by a fire. On the following Sunday morning, March 4th, the then current pastor , Rev. Jimmy Lambert, conducted services on the church grounds near the still smoldering timbers of the old church. His text was from Nehemiah 4:6 "...for the people had a mind to work". Sunday morning worship services were held in the auditorium of Oak Hill School from March 1956 through August 5, 1956, while a new church was being constructed. The first service in the sanctuary of the new building was on August 12, 1956. To accommodate the growth in membership, on August 25, 1991, the church voted to build a new sanctuary. The first service in the new, and our current sanctuary, was held on September 12, 1993. The cornerstone for the 1956 building was installed beside the new door in the chapel (which is the 1956 sanctuary) on the left side of the building.

Today, and Tomorrow

Since 1854 our church has witnessed the leadership of 28 pastors, eight interim pastors, and 2 Youth pastors. In 2011 Youth Minister/Associate Pastor ministry began thereby providing two ministers- a senior pastor and an associate pastor to attend to the needs of the congregation. Since 2019 we have had two Youth pastors. In addition to our ministers, past and present, our church has been blessed with faithful servants whose legacies persist deeply and clearly in our spiritual journey. We continue to serve our Oak Hill community, as well as missionaries around the world.